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Obama's tar sand trap

"The tar sands of Canada constitute a deadly threat to our planet. The US and Canada must agree not to develop them"


Melt-pools 'accelerating Arctic ice loss'

"Pools of melted ice and snow that form on the surface of the Arctic sea ice explain why it is melting faster than predicted, scientists say"

Category: Climate Change


Climate crisis needs empowered people

"People power is at the heart of the effort to beat climate change, says Professor Jacqueline McGlade, head of the European Environment Agency. In this week's Green Room, she says that the task is so great, and the timescale so...

Category: Climate Change


NASA/Hansen: Coal-fired power stations are death factories. Close them

"The government is expected to give the go-ahead to the coal-burning Kingsnorth power plant. Here, one of the world's foremost climate experts launches an excoriating attack on Britain's long love affair with the most polluting...


The tropics on fire: scientist's grim vision of global warming

"Soaring greenhouse gas emissions, driven by a surge in coal use in countries such as China and India, are threatening temperature rises that will turn damp and humid forests into parched tinderboxes, said Dr Chris Field,...

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 561 to 565 out of 1185